一. 系必修
1. 企業經營管理理論與實務研討_Seminar on Business Management Theory and Practice
二. 系選修
1. 企業經營管理理論與實務研討_Seminar on Business Management Theory and Practice
二. 系選修
2. 心理學實驗與應用_Experimental
Psychology and Applications
3. 企業經營與公司治理研討_Seminar on
Business Management and Corporate Governance
4. 企業資源規劃研討_Seminar on
Enterprise Resource Planning
5. 全球健康管理與休閒產業研討_Seminar
on International Health Management and Leisure Industry
6. 計劃行為研討_Seminar on
Planning Behavioral
7. 海外企業經營研討_Seminar on
International Business Management
8. 財務管理研討_Seminar on
Financial Management
9. 雲端科技與大數據分析研討_Seminar on
Cloud Computing and Big Data
10. 會計分析與管理決策研討_Seminar on
Accounting Analysis and Management Decision
11. 管理經濟學研討_Seminar on
Managerial Economics
12. 精準數據與管理策略研討_Seminar on
Precise Data and Management Strategy
13. 應用統計學研討_Seminar on
Applied Statistics
14. 人力資源管理研討_Seminar on
Human Resource Management
15. 企業政策個案研討_Seminar on
Business Policy and Case Study
16. 企業研究方法研討_Seminar on
Business Research Methods
17. 企業診斷與價值評估研討_Seminar on
Enterprise Diagnosis and Value Assessment
18. 全球企業管理研討_Seminar on
Globalized Business Management
19. 全球產業競爭分析_Global
Industry Competitive Analysis
20. 商業溝通與談判策略研討_Seminar on
Business Communication and Negotiation Strategy
21. 國際禮儀與健康管理研討_Seminar on
International Etiquette and Health Management
22. 智慧資本研討_Seminar on
Intellectual Capital
23. 策略地圖與平衡計分卡研討_Seminar on
Strategic Map and Balance Scorecard
24. 資料分析及軟體應用研討_Seminar on
Data Analysis and Software Application
25. 電子商務研討_Seminar on
26. 領導與團隊_Leadership in